most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you but when you dont understand yourself;)

Aug 10, 2012

Clifford School Kuala Kangsar


A lot of thing happen lately.No time to update a stories.Dont even have enough time to called my friends.With to many homework and too many problems to be solved.It is disaster to adapt to the new surroundings and new friends.But Alhamdulillah everything start to be well and awesome,Believe me every cloud had a silver lining.

meet Aisha,Isti and Zati

And the truth the new systems for the lower six students are harder than before.A lot harder.I mean the teachers need to compressed a one and half years of learning into 4 months or so.Even if you missed one class than you are gonna be lost.Although i've changed my stream being in arts stream is not that easier.Well nothing is easier on this earth kan?

iftaar with them;

Im lucky to have an awesome classmate.Every single of them is awesome,no doubt bout that.And the teachers are great.The way they taught me like they are rally putting an effort on it.And one of the teachers choose me to be a prefect.Erm..prefect..But CSKK discipline organisation system is suck basically.But i would try my best to make it better.

part of my dormmate

 part of my classmate.

May 18, 2012

Tingkatan enam


Maybe ramai yang tak tahu yang mulai tahun 2012 sistem pembelajaran dan pengajaran tingkatan enam adalah berbeza dengan tahun tahun yang sebelumnya.Pada dasarnya sistem P&P yang baru ni sangat mirip dengan pembelajaran di peringkat universiti mahupun matrikulasi.

Tingkatan enam bawah tahun ni dikenali sebagai pra universiti junior.Sistem pembelajaran juga menggunakan semester sama seperti di universiti mahupun matrikulasi.Dan yang paling menguntungkan bagi pelajar STPM sesi 12/13 peperiksaan akan dijalankan sebanyak tiga kali di setiap penghujung semester.Markah bagi setiap semester akan ditambah dan diambil puratanya.

Pelajar tingkatan enam yang menggunakan sistem baru juga berpeluang mengulang semula peperiksaan sem satu dan dua pada penghujung sem tiga.Pada dasarnya sistem baru ini sangat memudahkan pelajar dan mengurangkan beban pelajar.

Pemarkahan STPM juga diambil kira melalui kerja kursus,kerja amali,tesis dan projek berkumpulan yang secara keseluruhannya mengambil 20-40 peratus pemarkahan.Jadi seandainya segala kerja kursus dan amali ini berjaya dilaksanakan dengan cemerlang 1/4 pemarkahan peperiksaan sudah ada dalam genggaman.

Ramai yang taknak masuk tingkatan enam sebab takmau pakai baju sekolah.Aku pon. Siapa nak masuk tingkatan enam kan. Mestilah nak masuk universiti. Tapi usaha kerajaan memperbaiki sistem pendidikan tingkatan enam seharusnya dipuji.

May 7, 2012

hard time


Hari ni dengan rasminya aku jadi pelajar prauniversiti atau ting enam bawah di smk puterijaya.Nampak senang kan?Tapi lepas satu satu benda jadi. Sekolah tu dengan rumah aku jaraknya lebih kurang dua puluh kilometre dari rumah.

And the public transport is suck.Terus terang aku kata tak mungkin aku dapat bertahan lama dekat situ.tak mungkin.sekolah dekat pusatbandar.sesak.

TIba-tiba aku rasa dunia macam kejam dengan aku..entah macam mana nak sekolah esok.dari rumah nak ke sekolah pon ambil masa satu jam..nak minta tukar sekolah kena tunggu. lama..aku akan cuba bertahan untuk enam bulan ni and after that buhbye kl.

I am so sorry


I am so sorry.I mean it. like really really mean it. I might look strong from outside but the truth i m broken inside.I need to shade my tears while writing this entry.Believe me its not that i dont want to answer your call.Its not that i dont want to reply your messages.But i dont have the courage to hear or read your message that full of symphatethic quotes.

Until the right time.when i had the courage to face it then i will be back.But from now on let this blog be the source of connection between us.Guys,I am so sorry. I know that i am selfish and its not about is about me.The girl that look strong but the truth she's nothing.I dont know who i should put the blame on.I need to point this to somebody.I really need it.So that the guilt inside me will be vanish away.But i dont have anyone.

The guilt.The guilt of not being a good daughter that my mom and dad can be proud of.Its not something that you could understand.i am shattered into piesces.And only time could heal it.I m tired of faking a happiness when i dont have it.I cant do this anymore.I am so sorry.

I have the ambition.I want to make my mom proud of me somehow.But when all of this happen..what can i do?I am no one.But i know that i am lucky enough to have you,you,you and you.Lucky enough to have a parents that tried so hard to hide their dissapointment from me.I am so sorry.

st4e.I didnt mean to neglected all of you.Because you are one of my source of happiness.Its not your fault.Sorry that i cant made it this twelve may..I am so sorry.

I am so sorry.

kecewa untuk kali ke berapa?


hari ni keputusan upu keluar.and guess what aku tak dapat mana-mana.Penat aku menangis hari ni.mula-mula tak dapat temuduga TESL,then tak dapat matriks then tak dapat ipg and lastly upu yang aku harapkan pon tak dapat.Malangkan nasib aku.

Terus-terang aku masih tak boleh terima semua ni.teruk sangat ke result spm aku? mungkin aku masih lagi dalam proses menyembuhkan hati yang berkecai teruk sebab semua ni. sorry sebab buat masa ni aku malas nak angkat phone malas nak balas mesej. malas nak dengar kata-kata simpati dari kawankawan. facebook pon sama.sampai la satu saat bila aku boleh terima ni semua aku sendiri yang akan cari korang.I dont want my friend to see how broken i am. i have faith. so esok aku kena daftar form six.Mungkin rezeki aku kat sini kot..aku kene struggle so aku boleh berdiri sama tegak dengan kawankawan aku yang lain.

salam sayang.

May 4, 2012

Aku Tak Mesra.


Terang lagi bersuluh apa yang aku tulis ni nak menceritakan tentang ketidakmesraan aku.Well aku ni sangat mesra sangat peramah dengan orang yang kenal dengan aku.Dulu waktu aku kecik-kecik aku ni mesra nya masyaAllah Dulu aku ni banyaknya cakap,banyaknya soalan sampai la satu hari ni ada sorang makcikni cakap 'ika ni banyak cakap kan'. Then aku sentap ar.Sentap like oh em gee.Malunya aku.Dah ar dia cakap depan anak lelaki yang dia yang memang super awesome dulu.Dulu ok:)

So,bertitik tolak dari situ aku kurang sikit ar bercakap.Tapi aku jadi sinis.Orang tu cakap baik je tapi aku ni jenis emotional lebeh terus sentap..Cepat je aku sembur orang tu.Waktu aku sekolah rendah kan.Aku ramai kawan la..Sebabnya dulu aku duduk kelas A kawan baik aku duduk kelas B so secara tidak langsung aku memang rapat dengan budak duadua kelas ni.Aku just nak cakap dulu aku ni ramai kawan. Muahaha.

Tapi satu lah..Dari dulu sampai sekarang aku memang tak berapa la dengan budak lelaki.Seriously yang okey dengan aku okeyla tapi tak rapat la.Aku memang tak berapa lah dengan makhluk Allah berlainan jenis ni. Aku memang super tertarik dekat diaorang.Memang lelaki handsome aku tak lepas pandang. Tapi nak rapat nak pegangpegang nak pukulpukul is like eww.. Diaorang lalu belakang aku pon aku geli wey. Tapi bila masuk alam damai ni macam dah immune dengan budak laki ni.Kejayaan aku duduk alam damai kelas campur ni aku tak pernah pegang lelaki dan diorang pon tak pernah pegang aku.

Aku ni tak mesra.Ada la satu hari ni kawan aku interview budak kelas sebelah..siapa yang paling sombong and diorang jawab 'afiqah.dia tu macam poyo sikit ar'HAHA aku terasa okey time tu tapi kene la pandai coverkan.Bukannya aku ni sombong ke apa.Takkan lah aku tibatiba nak cakap dengan orang yang aku tak kenal or tak rapat pasal hobi dia atau apa nama pet dia? Eww. So not me.

Tapi dengan perempuan aku ok je.Boleh bersembang.Orang tanya sepatah aku jawab berpatah-patah. See aku tak adala sombong cuma aku tak berani nak menjalinkan hubungan dengan stranger.Dekat facebook pon aku approve aku biar..Sampai masa aku delete.Tapi kalau orang tegur aku jawab la jugak kan. Takadala aku ni jenis menyombong tak bertempat.Aku pernah taw macam ada scandal dekat fb.Muahaha tapi cukup la sampai scandal je..hee~

Blogger pon.Aku jenis yang tak suka nak blogwalking tak suka nak commentaku suka jadi low profile. Suka jadi silent reader or stalker. Entah mungkin aku perlu berubah kot..jadi mesra sikit..kan?

Apr 21, 2012

the love one:)

my love:)


There is something i can brag about.My family.Yeah i love my family very damn much.Who doesn't?But I mean i really do love my big family.No doubt.Those pictures above was my moms siblings,nephew,my cousin. Yeah sometimes they did annoyed me.But the feelings of love covered everything.haha:)

i l o v e y o u 

Miserable and drawning deep down


Ya Allah i am so sad.I didnt get the interview for TESL and interior design at UiTM.It had been my dream since forever and now i had already lost the chances.Its like a big slap on my face.Dang! I am so frusturated.I even cried infront of iman.I am really lost in my own ambition.

Seeing my friend updating their status saying they get an interview slicing my heart even more.Pathetic.Yup thats me.But people keep telling bukan rezeki or rezeki bukan dekat bidang tu.But the facts is everytime people ask me afiqah what is your ambition i would quickly answered english teacher or translator or technical writer but now..

I do know that Allah have a better plans for me.Allah have planned everything for me.But deep inside my heart the feelings of dissapointed wont go away..

Have a faith afiqah:)

Apr 8, 2012



Hye.It is my very first post after SPM result right?Alhamdulillah.To tell you the truth my result is pretty bad.Every time i told the other people about my result they are speechless.Not the comfortable silence but the silence when you dont know what you should say or maybe suprised?

How about my mom responses?Ah I received the message from 15888 on 10.01 a.m.Then I called my mom and told my mom about my result then she just off the phone.Yeah that is the worse isnt it? But my mom was driving that time.haha.Yeah my mom is the first person i told about the result.Ahh.I didnt take my result.I found it out from the SMS.haha.Yupp so i dont get the chance to peluk-peluk my friend when i saw my result meh.

Somehow i am very thankful to the one ALLAH for everything.When i knew my result i can see the path of the future.Haha.metafore.I mean if i get straight A's then I will never gonna choose TESL.of course la i want to take medic or engineering eventhough i am not interested in it.Haha.but Alhamdulillah cause of  my result i know that TESL will be the right one.I hope that i get the course i want.hmm.

I watched the MHI and Dato'Fazilah Kamsah said that to find the right course you need to based on three things.First of course lah your result,second your talent and your interest.And based on this three things i got two main course that i want TESL and interior design but my mom said choose TESL.Then TESL it is.

How about my ambition?Well most of my friends knew that my ambition will changed based on my mood my hobbies or anything else.Haha.Tak tetap pendirian.I knew..But after having heart to heart talk with my private counsellor,my own mom,she said that find a job that will give you benifit in the world and hereafter.Dunia dan akhirat.emak:) thank you

So,here i am waiting for any offer from ipta,Please pray for me:)

Mar 16, 2012

21 March 2012


i was surfing the internet about the upcoming spm result and found a forum about it.most of the 2011 SPM candidates was freaking out to death.Then i remembered about writing an article about 'failing an exam doesnt mean you will fail in life'

When i wrote the article i put an effort on it.because it was an article for monthly test if i am not mistaken..but counting days to 21 march put me in those situation.I am totally scared about next wednesday but my mom keep telling me i have done the best i can and i have put an effort on it.

Every time i brought this topic on she keep saying that let by gone be by gone.She keep telling me to tawakal and dont stop praying.Somehow it make me calm.I really hope that i got an excellent result but i cant lose hope when im failing aint tha right?

The only thing i really need right now is a doa from my parents my siblings my relatives and my friends.Please pray for me.The rest of it what I need to do is tawakal.Believe me SPM is not the end of it.I m scared.I am afraid and frightened on what will the result turn on to be but i had put a maximum effort on it.

Be optimist.I hope when i felt down seeing my result on wednesday this post will give me the strenght i need.

Friends, when i am failing will you comfort me?

Jan 27, 2012

ianya contengan jalanan


Peminat penulis novel Hlovate mesti dah baca contengan jalanan.Agak lambat aku memiliki novel ni memandangkan masih banyak buku-buku lain yang menarik hati aku.Tiap kali singgah MPH atau popular mesti pegang buku ni tapi masih tak terlintas untuk memilikinya.Tapi Alhamdulillah dapat jugak beli novel ni.

Sumpah.Novel ni ada 1001 pengisian yang MasyaAllah sangat baik.Penyusunan bahasa yang sesuai dengan jiwa remaja.Bahasa yang santai di samping pengisian ilmu yang tak terkira banyaknya.Hlovate berkarya sambil mentarbiyah pembaca dia:) sungguh aku kagum!

Baru habis baca kisah satu-Fend.Menceritakan perjalanan hidup Fend dalam mencari erti kehidupan yang sebenar.Pengisian hidup seorang mukmin.Fend seperti bayangan diri sendiri.Diri sendiri yang leka dan terbuai dengan dunia.Aku mengaku sejak keluar dari asrama hidup ni tak lagi teratur.Tapi itu lah risiko nya.Sembahyang kebanyakannya di hujung waktu.Kalau boleh zohor nak sekali dengan asar.Quran entah kemana.

Mula-mula baca kisah Fend ni air mata tak henti mengalir.Tak tahu kenapa.Teresak-esak malam tu.Orang lain tidur aku pulak teresak-esak dekat bilik belakang.Habis je baca novel tu terus bangun basuh muka.ambik wudhu' solat sunat,fardhu isya' dan doa yang berpanjangan. Kalau Fend dapat cahaya dari Lia yang berikan dia The 11th Hour,aku boleh kata yang aku nampak ada cahaya yang aku dapat dari contengan jalanan ni.Harapnya cahaya tu bersinar ke akhirnya:)

Man who decided to change at twelve died at eleven.

Jan 17, 2012

laman sosial penuh emosi


Ehem!I just want to announce that i have delete my facebook.Deleted! Not Deactivate it.Reason?I dont know.I felt like my facebook is full of strangers.It was my mistake approving those strangers and when i decided to delete them,there was too many of them.

And i am annoyed with some of my 'friends'in my page.Their status somehow disturbed me.jealous?Naa..So i decided to delete it.I will create a new account later when this 'feeling' eliminate from the body - xoxo afqh

Jan 16, 2012

2012 the beginning of life


2012 is bored.For now!Seriously my life is so pathetic by doing every same things for the past two weeks?I woke up in the morning get scold by mom if i get ting up late or missed my subuh.Then i need to washed the dishes,need to do the laundry,need to iron the clothes for my adek'sand my mom and my dad..

Yeah,and currently i has a new hobby,cooking?Believe it or not..As the bibik of the house i need to cook too.Dont know why,but my mom rarely cook now!Seriously so my adek need to eat anything i cook.haha.I really think that i can enter master chef because i really think i have that talent.haha

I am taking a driving lessons so that i can have a license.Cannot wait meh..But sumpah! I really hate that 'teacher'.never puntual.fierce like a lion.And on my first trial driving a car i had bumped on another car.Shame on me.

Just know that my primary school member are going to GMI.Iam deadly jealous. German-Malaysia Institute.Only a genius get a chanced to study there.i guess.And most of my friend already have their own program,i am the only one yang tepinga-pinga dekat rumah.

But i need to believe that every cloud had a silver lining right? It just not my rezeki yet. Ya Allah give me the opportunities to hold the success so that i can be a good daughter for my mom and dad.To be a great khalifah in your world.Till then may Allah bless us.

Jan 2, 2012

AzamTahun Baru


Selamat Tahun Baru.Mungkin terlambat tapi lebih baik dari tiada kan?Tahun baru azam baru?Azam?Azam-azam dari sepuluh tahun lepas pun tak tertunai lagi.Mampu ke untuk aku berazam lagi tahun ni?Tapi apa yang pasti azam ku setiap tahun untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

  • Mahu menjadi hamba yang taat pada penciptanya
  • Mahu menjadi anak yang baik terhadap ibu dan bapa
  • Mahu menjadi adik dan kakak yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.
  • Mahu menjadi manusia yang berguna

Azam ku setiap tahun yang masih belum mampu aku penuhi.Entah sampai bila.

Tapi tahun ni aku berharap untuk kurus!Doakan aku.