most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you but when you dont understand yourself;)

May 30, 2009

dah berubah..

'fieqa..ko dh bnyk berubah..'
aku dah berubah..
korang ckp lh kat aku...
ape yg aku kne ubah..

'fieqa kte dah makin jaoh kan'
mmg lah kte jaoh..
kte dh x sehaluan..
aku x leh trime care ko..
aku tego ko..
ko mrh aku balik..
so the best way ..
aku senyap..dan menjaohkan dri..

ape yg korang nk sebenarnye..aku nie bknlah manusia yg perfect..
im trying to be the best..but..who am i...right..

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