most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you but when you dont understand yourself;)

Jan 9, 2010


first day!skola!bnci!da la!nme klas merepek!benci skola!
ha8!gru klas sazah ftimah!ok la!bg motivasi yg wow!mntap
gitu!yess iwant to stay!i've put my heart here!to this place!
hmmm!!nta la!pning pale aku!nk pecah!

second day!horrible!ihate that school!y?dunno!that scol is ****
ha8!kiddin!ckgu ^$%# ckp ntah pape!AKU BNCI SKOLA!ha8!
my heart is flying and left my body there!x taw!aku nges kt skola!
aku x taw la!i love my friend!but they will left me!even i love them!
so..y i should stay there!npe aku nk dok cni sdngkan hati aku kngkwn
aku da bwk pegi siket demi sikit!how dare them take my soul from my

:'( im dissapointed wit maself!
:'(njwa huda ko pon nk tnggalkan aku ke?
:'(aku ade pnyakit tekanan renda!sbb tue la aku slalu pning pale!
;'(blow me your spirit!

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