most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you but when you dont understand yourself;)

Apr 10, 2010

bye and hye


awak!congrats ek..sye doakan yg tebaek tok awak lainsyaallah awk boleyh!
awk kan genius alaf baru!;)
jge diri lek lok ek..
smoge mmg btollah rezeki
awak kat sane..LUMUNU



nur ermin syahmin

my addmath and mathematic teacher

ha..niela bdk yg dok sebela aku kat alam damai tue..
she is amira farhana cousin and ex seri bintang utara..
dier la kawan gelak ketawe aku..memandangkn fthin shera
n st4e da tak de..sumpa..memang pandai addmath dier 98..
jgn memaen..aku nie mmg jrg turon aku,seby dier tka
n leena akn curi2 dok kat kelas tok makn bekal same2..
comelkan..[perasan la ko ngek]!n she's funny!


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