its have been a couple of week this blog being like a there is any stepblog?let it be.i dont care about stepblog.enoufh.fullstop.the whole year is schedule was damn tight.can you imagine staying at school from 6.30 a.m until 4.30 everyday except friday.It was damn tired.exhausted.
monday.morning speech.bla bla bla..math,addmath,bio..pss meeting.
tuesday.morning gossips.addmath,english..rehat..boredd..pss duty.
wednesday.physics,chemist,headache.rehat.koko.artclub meeting.PPI meeting.
thursday.physics,chemist again.math.bored,bored,badminton club. yess balikk!
and it happen again and again.Form 5 was tiring.But gossiping is compalsary.haha=='ermin me and seby always think again and again.Is there is any future in ALAM DAMAI.something that i dont even had the answer.But regretting?never.and ever.Really need to find my potential.Interested in TESL.really need to score in English.Art.Pengetua didnt give permission to take art.What?DISSAPOINTED?hell yeah!
A week that was full of suprise.Having a really really bad day.NOT that bad laa.Find out the pass about 'that girl' and 'that boy'. Prostitute?WHAT?REALLY?I taught it just a rumours.but its true
its true?Having a great fight with account student.I hope that i didnt get involved with it.But since im the pure science and they are against my friend.Youre messing around with my friend. And to make it worst it has become a police case?What the ass?it just a small matter.So UNMATURED!behave yourself.Dont ever call others a prostitute when your own girlfriend act like a prostitute!
many things happen without reasons.Once we figure it out,we will know that fate is the reason!And Allah knows the best for us-afieqa!
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