most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you but when you dont understand yourself;)

Oct 9, 2010


x habes-habes lagi noor afiqa?
yee mmg ta habes habes..
dan x akn habis dalam mase terdekat:(

i taught it will be one of the best day this year,
but it seems to be something that i'll never forget!
NEVER i mean it!

ahaha:) once you ask me.still angry?
yeah and HELL im angry!
sorry:( and yeah when im angry
they said that im too emotional:)

hey come and sat on my shoes!
you will know the feelings:(
a feelings like somebody betrayed you!
WTFUCK?seriously im exhausted with
all this had been twice
i repeated TWICE laa bengong:(

why dont you keep you mouth shut
and stop talking for a while!
why dont you flashback what you have
done.stop acting like a DIVA.
you know life is just like a tyre
once you;re up and once you're down!
but i believe that when the tyre goes down
there will be a shit on it surface:(

currently i had wrote this on my diary
but nobody will read it and nobody will
know my feelings! and now served you right!
and please stop asking me. still angry?
because im not a mad people that had no

forgiving is easy for me but forgetting?
its hard baby! ITS HARD:(

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