most difficult phase of life is not when no one understand you but when you dont understand yourself;)

Dec 4, 2010


guess what.i miss my facebook very much.I miss to see the notification.I miss to see the message from iluvislam.I miss to catch an update from my friend.I want to see their picture.HAHA=='
reactivate my account back?NO WAY man.

WHY?I dont really know actually.Maybe it is causes by my ego.It no im just a little bit worried what if people say when i reactivate my accounte after deactivated it just for a days.
People will say 'elleh.budak nie cakap je lebeh'. and so now i need to control my nafsu no no nafsu for facebook-ing.

Currently im using my father facebook account or my mother facebook account to catch up and to stay up to date.HAha:) And frankly now i feel like playing cafe world and farmville.silly huh? grrr..
facebook phenomenon=='

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